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Create a Github page

You can turn the contents of your repository into a real web page. All files (md, html or txt files) are automatically generated to HTML pages. This gives you complete freedom to design your site the way you want, without all the Github stuff around it. For example: you are reading this guide which is based on Github pages.

To activate Github Pages and get the link, you first need to go into the settings of your Github repository.

Github Repo settings

If you scroll down further in the settings, you will find the “Github Pages” section. There you can activate your Github Page.

  1. open the selection and you will find all branches that exist in your repository.
  2. choose your branch (mostly “Main”) on which basis the Github Page should be created.
  3. save the settings with the button “Save”.
  4. you will find the link (URL) to your created Github Page.

Github Repo settings