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Repository Overview

  1. Repository Overview
    1. Navigation in short words
    2. Short introduction about the sidebar
    3. File explorer

How to navigate inside a repository

navigation of the repository

BreadcrumpOrganisation/Repository Menu
CodeSee/upload/edit all content/files/folders insight a repository
IssuesSee/create issues
Pull requestsWhen someone wants to send a change to the repository, they do so via a pull request. The changes can be accepted or rejected.
WikiIf a readme file is not sufficient for the description or help for the repository, then a wiki with different pages can be created.
SettingsAll settings for the repository can be made here. (e.g. Name of the repository, Description, Social Preview image or Access)

Short introduction about the sidebar

Points to explainScreenshot
About: It’s important to write a short description about the project and you can put links and tags in it.
Readme: Link to the Readme file
License: Link to license file
Releases: If your content of your repository has different versions. It called releases (e.g. v.0.1 or v.1.0)
Contributers: All accounts that have write access to the repository
sidebar of the repository

File explorer

file explorer of the repository

The user how commit the last changes and a short commit message
Here you can see the number of changes/commits and view the history
Here goes the commit message
The name of files and folders in this repository (you cannot make folders over the webinterface!)

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